Child Sacrifice and Satanic Rituals

Satanists target children. They abuse, torture, rape, sell and sacrifice the innocent lives of children. Children are slaughtered and body parts used in witchcraft medicine.

Why children?

"The younger, the better, and we never kill them right away. We prolong the torture. Why? Because we have to raise the energies..."


“…people whose one single most important defining objective is to eliminate and eradicate God…So the more you can make a baby or a small child suffer, the greater your victory over God.”

Lara Logan

WEF spokesperson blasphemes: "God is dead. It just takes a while to get rid of the body."

Yuval Noah Harari (spokesperson and advisor to Schwab and other world leaders)

The following organisations promote / endorse / facilitate “acceptable” child sacrifice (abortion)

Planned Parenthood
Abortions Providers
Comprehensive Sexuality Education

"Once a sadistic offender engages in severe sexual sadism with an acquaintance child victim, it is difficult to prevent disclosure and escape identification without killing or otherwise disposing of the victim."

Source - Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis For Professionals Investigating the Sexual Exploitation of Children

Child sacrifice in Africa...

"It think that this is a business. I think that there are those... who have realised that there is big, big money in convincing people that sacrificing a child will make them rich."

Annie Ikpa - ending child sacrifice in Uganda