Children at School

What are some of the dangers children face at school?

Children are deliberately sexualised at school from a very young age. There is pressure from the United Nations (UN), World Health Organisation (WHO) and other global organisations to destroy the moral compass and safety instincts of children, making them vulnerable to dangerous ideologies while exposing them to potential physical harm.

Some of the dangers facing children at school include:

  • Drag queens in storyhour (coming to SA soon)
  • Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
  • sexualisation of children... (& society)
  • Satanism

Drag Queens

A new standard of safeguarding children at school: drag queens 'legitimise' sexual abuse and grooming


A drag queen performs a lap dance on a student and gyrates in front of cheering children at pride event for high schoolers.


Mark Walsh on drag in schools (producer of "What is a Woman" documentary)

History of drag queen story hour

Drag Queens in South Africa?

World famous drag queen Alaska.

World famous drag queen Manila Luzon.


Agenda 2030 and CSE

The following are examples of content children are increasingly exposed to around the world.

Page 38 of CSE for Europe wtih annotations_SWC
Page 44 of CSE for Europe wtih annotations_SWC

The World Health Organisation 'legitimises' the sexualisation of children


Cover_International tech guide on sexual education_SWC
Page 71 International tech guide on sexual education_SWC

Agenda 2030 and CSE in South Africa


"Planned Parenthood Federation of America purposely hooks children on sex through explicit sexuality education programs in order to gain customers for their contraception, abortion and counseling services which generates millions of dollars in business. American Life League... exposes the CSE materials and programs that Planned Parenthood uses to sexualise children."

Planned Parenthood, key partner in CSE, proclaims that virginity is harmful.

Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organisation that provides reproductive and sexual healthcare, and sexual education in the United States and around the world. It  is the largest single provider of reproductive health services and the largest single provider of abortion in the United States.



Adolescent Sexual Health Education & Support

HiTOPs organisation sneaks sexual curriculum into schools with a goal to strip parents of their right to opt-out. They use backdoor channels without obtaining partental consent.

What's happening in SA?

DREAMS: Promoting sex among kids. Bringing condoms and contraceptives to school.


Ms Marie Elizabeth Sukers comments on the authenticity of this document and what parents need to do.

Contact details Ms Marie Elizabeth Sukers of the ACDP.

What happens in schools that adopt sexualised CSE ideology?

Parents sue school over transgender bathroom policies.

Jesse Watters on Fox


Legislation protects adults in the workplace from sexual harassment. Even a suggestive glance from a fellow employee can be a serious offence. Don't our children deserve at least the same protections?


More comprehensive material exposing the realities and dangers of CSE.

Knowledge is empowering - be informed. If you do nothing, the day will come when your child will startle you with material from the classroom.

The War on Children in 35 minutes - the best spent 35 minutes!

Note from Crisis Child:

To be clear, some people are confused and possibly even offended at the explicit material contained in the following links and elsewhere. Without doubt, the material is offensive. However, it is not our intention to propagate offensive and explicit content, it is purely to equip those at the forefront of this battle for children. Also, there are people on whom children are relying for their safety who are oblivious of the dangers children face at school. These include parents and educators who are already so desensitised, that simply telling them about the dangers will not wake them up. If the offensiveness of this material jolts you into action, and thereby protects even one child, then we believe publishing this material is justified.

The War on Children - check this website for a comprehensive source of information on the topic of CSE.

How is CSE influenced by world powers to sexualise children and normalise paedophilia?

Follow this link for an in-depth analysis of CSE and the global agenda driving it.


Satan, Prince of Darkness, portrayed as the 'genuinely concerned guy' for your children. 

He's looking out for your children at school, while you're not looking...


What Can You Do?

Here are some things you can do:

  • Let children be children.
  • Protect your children from sexualisation.
  • Understand what schools are exposing your children to.
  • As caring, concerned parents, take an interest in your school.
  • Get involved in schools and have a positive influence in the governance of schools. More than 90% of school decisions are impacted by school boards.

More Information