Child sex trade

This documentary film explores the extensive reach of sex trafficking and sexual abuse especially of children in the United States and worldwide. Using commentary by victims and activists and investigations into practices in the US and abroad, the film traces the links between child sexual exploitation, pornography, social media, and sex trafficking.

"Sex Trafficking in America tells the unimaginable stories of young women coerced into prostitution – and follows one police unit that’s committed to rooting out sexual exploitation."

Tim Ballard speaks to Donald Trump on human trafficking - the problem at the Mexico border.


This is the real man who was portrayed in the movie Sound of Freedom - the billionaire that Tim Ballard approached for funding real estate.

Paul Hutchinson speaks about some of his experiences uncovering the child sex trade.

Survivors of Sex Trafficking

What about the Swedish model?

"Since 1999, the purchasing of sexual services is criminalised in Sweden."

Kajsa Wahlberg - Detective Inspector Swedish National Rapporteur

Like every good thing, there is much criticism and controvercy about the legal model that Sweden has taken. The "Swedish Model" refers to a solution in which prostitution is forbidden, and the buyer of sex, not the person prostituting themselves, is made liable for prosecution. It does not criminalise the selling of sex, but rather focuses on criminalising the buying of sex and other activities surrounding sex work, including running a brothel. The Swedish government adopted this law with the goal that it would deter those who would otherwise purchase sexual services and so reduce the number of people selling sex by reducing its financial appeal. The premise of this law is that sex work should not exist. Moreover, it is grounded in the belief that prostitution is by no means work and should not be considered as such. It is because they believe that it cannot be done freely and consensually. On the contrary, it should be banished.

"Sweden has the lowest rate of trafficking in the European Union."

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls

Despite the fact that the Swedish Model was essentially invented by women’s rights specialists, it regularly attracts criticism. This is primarily due to the fact that there are people who find it acceptable to buy and sell sex, as long as nobody is forced to take part.

“In Sweden we found that protecting the sanctity of human life was more important... than fostering the unbridled sexual appetites of men”

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls

What can you do?

  • Listen if a child says something is wrong.
  • Talk about it - People need to know about the problem.
  • Put pressure on public officials.
  • Change the culture.
  • Stop watching pornography.
  • Report clients and traffickers.
  • Volunteer - Join awareness groups.
  • Use your area of influence.

"The crisis of modern-day sex slavery does not need interested observers, it needs incurable fanatics."

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls

Is there any hope?

"But God is bigger than that... God wants to set the captive free."

Ohad - Former sex trafficker of 11 years - Nefarious: Merchant of Souls