Child Trafficking


Child trafficking occurs when children are removed from a protected environment and made vulnerable. Their vulnerability is abused for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation involves being groomed, coerced or forced into doing things for the benefit of someone else. Victims often experience abuse and violence and may be forced to take part in criminal activities.

South Africa, with a population of over 60 million, is marked by risk factors that render 52.5% of its population extremely vulnerable to human trafficking.

Child trafficking is a complex issue and is often quite hidden.  Not only is trafficking a reality in South Africa,  it is a growing threat throughout the world.


Missing Children South Africa -

Tim Ballard speaks on the importance of effective border controls in reducing and preventing child trafficking.

"Slave traffickers around the world have rediscovered how profitable it is to buy and sell people."

Source unknown

"Child trafficking is the fastest growing international crime network that the world has ever seen."

Sound of Freedom

According to STOP TRAFFICKING OF PEOPLE, approximately 150 000 people are trapped in human trafficking, in South Africa, at any given time. It is estimated that only 1-2% of trafficked victims ever escape or are rescued. Based on these statistics, the need to focus on prevention is imperative.

  Fast Facts


“Trafficking involves people being bought and sold, and that only occurs when there’s a view that some people don’t count or they matter less.”

Jonathan Todres - Georgia State University law professor and trafficking expert

What can you do?

  • Parents, warn your children about the dangers of child trafficking.
  • Know the signs of child trafficking.
  • Educate your children about cyber safety and the dangers of online predators.


"The eye doesn't see what the mind doesn't know."


  • Open your eyes to child trafficking.
  • Know where your children are.
  • Watch out for your children.

The best way to protect your children is to keep open communication channels.  It is vital to create an environment where our children feel comfortable communicating with us at home.  Talk about the dangers of trafficking and encourage them to let someone know if they find themselves uncomfortable with a person or in a potentially dangerous situation.

Source: Friends Against Fraud
Source: Friends Against Fraud