Up to 8 000 000 children missing each year








Asset 29


Crisis Child

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Child Trafficking


Multiple rapes on a daily basis and severe abuse means children typically expire within 2 years of being trafficked. Others are tortured and murdered for satanic rituals.

Child trafficking is one of the fastest growing forms of criminal activity.

Child Slave Labour


- the price of a child -

Children are being sold for as little as $37 in some African countries

  • 1 in 4 victims of trafficking are CHILDREN involved in forced labour
  • These children often work as slaves on farms, mines and in factories
  • Up to 10 million children worldwide are currently trapped in modern forms of child slavery

“It was like a prison, we were locked inside. We worked from 5 am until midnight making carpets, and we slept among the machines.”

Kumar, child labourer, India



Child Sex Trade


A drug is consumed once, but a child can be sold over and over again.

Children are being abducted and sold for sex at an alarming rate. It is a form of slavery on a scale that has not been seen before.


Child Pornography

Child pornography is child sexual abuse.

Using the phrase ‘child pornography’ hides the true impact of perpetrators’ behaviour. Perpetrators are in fact abusing children in the process of making child pornography.




Typically, it is not so easy to identify paedophiles. They are not confined to a particular type of society or class of people. In fact, they are wherever children can be found. Paedophilia is prevalent across the world. Studies show that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18.

"Paedophiles are the most evil people in the world because they prey upon the innocence of our children."

Robert David Steele

Child Sacrifice and Satanic Rituals

Satanists target children. They abuse, torture, rape, sell and sacrifice the innocent lives of children. Children are slaughtered and body parts used in witchcraft medicine.

Lara Logan, in conversation with Jeremy Nell from Jerm Warfare,
exposes the satanic intent behind harming and destroying children.

Children and Adrenochrome


"Satanists remove children's adrenal glands right after they have been terrorised and right before they are killed in rituals to extract this liquid the elites use to sustain their youth and extend their lives. All this is really happening to the most innocent of life, our precious innocent children."

Robert David Steele - Former CIA Officer

Organ Trafficking

"Payment for cells, tissues and organs is likely to take unfair advantage of the poorest and most vulnerable groups, undermines altruistic donation, and leads to profiteering and human trafficking. Such payment conveys the idea that some persons lack dignity, that they are mere objects to be used by others."

World Health Organisation (WHO)


Children at School

Do you know what dangers your children are exposed to at school?

Coming to South Africa soon now...

  • CSE at schools
  • drag queens and story hour
  • sexualisation of children... (& society)
  • satanism

Children and Pride?


We acknowledge that this topic is sensitive and can easily be misunderstood. However, for the sake of children and the protection of their future, this conversation is of vital importance. All adults especially parents and guardians, regardless of identity, should consider the evidence and be willing to engage with reality. The conversation that follows does not intend to demonise anyone.

Has the conversation about human rights, inclusiveness and tolerance been hijacked?

Yes. A small group of world-power elites are using pride for their own ends. Most people, including those who identify as LGBTQ, are completely unaware, but those who are awake to this reality, oppose it with push back from all walks of life.

What is their goal?

To sexualise children, promote lewdness, paedophilia and satanism. Blatant sexualised behaviours erode societal morals and remove protective mechanisms inherently in children, making them acutely vulnerable and easy prey for sexual predators while desensitising their guardians.

Who are these world powers?

They are the same people driving the New World Order and One World Religion, and include fronting organisations such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the World Health Organisation.

Who Will Own Our Children?


"You will own nothing..."

World Economic Forum (WEF)

What Can You Do?

Create awareness

  • share on social media
  • Join the Crisis Child WhatsApp channel
  • Join the Crisis Child Telegram group
  • Stay informed!
Director: Alejandro Monteverde
Year: 2023
Starring: Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, Bill Camp
Genre: Action | Biography | Drama
After rescuing a boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy's sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.

"If we lose this war, and in so doing, lose this great way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment, that those who had the most to lose, did the least to prevent it from happening."

Jim Caviezel

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